Engineering EN

AGO is more than just a supplier; our years of experience make us the right partner for you to achieve the optimal result together.

To achieve a product that is well cast, AGO offers its customers the opportunity to make use of its engineering department. Using various CAD software, our engineers closely collaborate with the customer, preferably from the design phase, in order to achieve the most effective solution. Starting the cooperation early on in the process prevents changes having to be made afterwards, which means cost and time savings.

Our strengths

  • AGO = innovatiekracht
  • Partnerschap met de klant vanaf idee tot aan het eindproduct
  • Total Cost of Ownership benadering
  • Substitutie analyse en re-engineering
  • OEM – ontwikkel partner

  • Reversed-engineering
  • Product en samenstellingsengineering
  • Gietsimulatie en component-optimalisatie
  • 3D CAD, o.a. SolidWorks, Catia, Pro-E en VisiCAD
  • Prototyping
  • R&D in nauwe samenwerking met diverse partners

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